Finally, HBO releases Teaser of
Final Season but it showed a recap of previous seasons epic moments. The Series
is going to start in April 2019. And the Spoilers are that In a first Episode
Danaerys is going to meet Starks at Winter fell and in the end only one Stark
is going to Survive.
"Every Battle, Every betrayal, every risk, every fight, every sacrifice, every death, #forthethrone". Game Of Thrones account also tweeted many pictures promoting the theme of finale season
"Not a queen, a khaleesi #forthethrone"
"Bring me his head #forthethrone"
"Hold the door #forthethrone"
"Bastards will clash #forthethrone"
"The North Remembers #forthethrone"
And many more..
Let's see what cast and crew has to say about their final scenes
Co-executive Producer Bryan Cogman Said "It's an incredibly emotional, haunting, bittersweet final season, and I think it honours very much what [George R.R. Martin] set out to do? Which is flipping this kind of story on its head."
Emilia Clarke Known as Danaerys Said "I had a scene with someone and I turned to him and said, 'Oh, my God, I'm not going to do this ever again,' and that brings tears to my eyes."
Leena Headey who plays Cersie "It's a huge sense of loss, like we'll never have anything like this again."
So Finally Winter is Here and this time it's #forthethrone.
"Every Battle, Every betrayal, every risk, every fight, every sacrifice, every death, #forthethrone". Game Of Thrones account also tweeted many pictures promoting the theme of finale season
"Not a queen, a khaleesi #forthethrone"
"Bring me his head #forthethrone"
"Hold the door #forthethrone"
"Bastards will clash #forthethrone"
"The North Remembers #forthethrone"
And many more..
Let's see what cast and crew has to say about their final scenes
Co-executive Producer Bryan Cogman Said "It's an incredibly emotional, haunting, bittersweet final season, and I think it honours very much what [George R.R. Martin] set out to do? Which is flipping this kind of story on its head."
Emilia Clarke Known as Danaerys Said "I had a scene with someone and I turned to him and said, 'Oh, my God, I'm not going to do this ever again,' and that brings tears to my eyes."
Leena Headey who plays Cersie "It's a huge sense of loss, like we'll never have anything like this again."
So Finally Winter is Here and this time it's #forthethrone.